Saturday 22 February 2014

Shareholder Wealth and Corporate Risk Management

Corporate risk management is a practice to optimize the risks in business operations and investing. The business leaders are responsible to control and management the risk to strengthen the business and maximise the shareholders wealth.

A business firm can have various types of risk, however, a firm which has international business have almost all the time there is a risk of foreign currency exchange risk. Unexpected exchange rate would change the value of the company. It could either be a gain or loss to the firm as well as to the shareholder.

Identifying potential sources of trouble, analysing them and taking necessary steps to prevent the loss are a duty of a business leader. Do all the business leaders fulfil this duty? My view is only the leaders with sound financial knowledge and experiences are capable to follow due to the complexity of international finance and the risk involved.  

In order to measure the impact of exchange rate movement of a firm, it is important to understand the type of the risk the firm is facing at present. A firm could face three types of risks namely, transaction risk, translation risk and economic risk.  

Currency market is volatile. When the market is fluctuant, income derived from foreign operations/transactions could be affected. Similarly, a risk in translating company assets and liabilities in terms of home currency and foreign currency, therefore, the misinterpretation of the company could result the loss of potential investor and it could affect to the shareholders too. Unlike the transaction and translation risk, the economic risk is related to the currency determination. It is basically the risk to the firm’s present value of future operating cash flows from exchange rate movement. For example, oil prices are set in USD, if the USD strengthens against the Euro, the oil company should increase the price.

Being a fluctuation of foreign currency could cause a risk to business profitability, a business leader must prevent the loss to the shareholders and organisation, however, risks vary from a business to business, depending on the size, industry, diversity of business lines, source of capital, the practices to tackle the situation are differed.

To reduce or eradicate the risk, many business organizations consider the hedging as a tool. It could be done in number of ways such as offsetting the borrowing or lending at market rate or purchasing a forwarding exchange contract to a future date, hedging foreign currency options or position the funds through transfer pricing and etc. They all effectively serve the same purpose but slightly in different ways.

The recent various news are indicating the change of Japanese Yen and Latin America currency has affected the many business operations such as LG, Samsung and etc.   As per FiREapps 2013Q3 Corporate Earnings Currency Impact Report, the most top 5 industries were Medical equiptment & supplies, Auto, Chemical  Manufacturig, Biotech & Drugs and Services Business.

This evidence the impact of foreign currency exchange risk to an organisation, therefore, business leader should not ignore and identify the possible way to handle the situation.  Otherwise, the business could lead into failure and would have a severe affect to the shareholder wealth.


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